Rooftop Worker – Safety & Access

About Rooftop Worker

The Rooftop Worker – Safety & Access scheme is designed to support the safety of those individuals who access and work on flat roofs. It provides a framework to support consistency and relevance in training provision and assessment of competence.

Developed in collaboration with the Telecommunications industry “Mast and Tower Safety Group”, the scheme recognises the underpinning knowledge and skills required to climb fixed ladders, access flat roof tops, use personal fall protection equipment, work safely whilst on the roof top as well as rescue considerations.

This scheme covers the minimum training and assessment required for those individuals whose roles require them to work safely on flat roof tops and incorporates the relevant requirements of HSE legislation. This scheme is designed and available for use by all industries.

The Rooftop Worker – Safety & Access scheme is a 1-day programme.

It is delivered in one day where both knowledge and practical elements are assessed and consists of the following units:

  • Understanding legislation and safety standards
  • Managing common hazards
  • Assessing risk
  • Using harnesses
  • Using fall arrest lanyards
  • Using fixed fall arrest and restraint systems
  • Using work positioning lanyards or similar equipment
  • Selecting appropriate anchor points
  • Setting up and using temporary work restraint systems
  • Working with edge protection systems
  • Using additional fall protection equipment
  • Consideration of emergencies and rescue arrangements
  • Suspension syncope awareness
  • Lifting and lowering kit
  • Demonstrating climbing techniques on fixed ladders

EUSR Registration

The following EUSR registration category is available for this scheme:

  • Rooftop Worker – Safety & Access

EUSR Registration is based on successful completion of an Energy & Utility Skills approved training programme and assessment delivered through a network of Energy & Utility Skills approved providers.

EUSR registration for the Rooftop Worker scheme is for 3 years from the date of assessment.

EUSR Registration Renewal

Registration renewal on EUSR is required after 3 years and is dependent upon you being able to demonstrate continued competence evidenced through the completion of the 1-day training and assessment programme.

Find Out More

If you have any questions about the scheme, please read our FAQs section before getting in touch with our team.

If you are a provider and would like to deliver this scheme, please get in touch by filling out the form below or calling 0121 713 8200. Don’t forget to read our Approval and Delivery guidance section first.

If you would like to get trained in this scheme, please visit our list of approved training providers.

Rooftop Worker Form
Are you a training provider or looking to receive training for this scheme?


Frequently Asked Questions

This section answers frequently asked questions about the Rooftop Worker – Safety & Access scheme. If you have a question that isn’t listed in our FAQs, please fill out the above enquiry form or call 0121 713 8200.

The Rooftop Worker – Safety & Access scheme is designed to support the safety of those individuals who access and work on flat roofs. It provides a framework to support consistency and relevance in training provision and assessment of competence. Developed in collaboration with the Telecommunications industry “Mast and Tower Safety Group”, the scheme recognises the underpinning knowledge and skills required to climb fixed ladders, access flat roof tops, use personal fall protection equipment, work safely whilst on the roof top as well as rescue considerations.

If you are already an approved provider, you can get your training programme approved. To find out what steps you need to take, please visit this page.

Our routes are designed to help you meet the criteria as an Approved Trainer or Approval Provider in which you can then deliver a scheme or endorsement. To find out how you can get approved, please visit this page.

To find out what steps you need to take to become approved, please visit this page.

Provider Approval is £500.00 + VAT.

Each Training Programme/Scheme approval is £250.00 + VAT

Some of our scheme approvals may require a face-to-face visit, therefore the cost to do this may increase to £500 +VAT

Our current price list and payment guidelines can be found here.

If all the correct evidence is provided to our Quality Assurance Team – you could be approved within 4 weeks.

The registration lasts for 3 years.

The registration lasts for 3 years. Renewal must be undertaken every 3 years by individuals to maintain an EUSR registration for the Rooftop Worker – Safety & Access scheme. At the end of the 3 year registration period an individual’s EUSR registration will expire and automatically be removed from the online register. Individuals should renew their registration, by retaking the Rooftop Worker training programme, prior to expiry to maintain registration.

As soon as you are approved to deliver.

The candidate will get a Virtual Card as standard and may request a Plastic Smart Card, and their registration will appear on the Register Search.

The candidate would need to speak to the approved provider of the course so they can arrange this with Registration Services.

The ratio of 1:4 has been set due to the high level of delivery and assessment required in a single day.

There is no Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) permitted.  Where an individual has already completed the MATS training programme a training provider cannot use RPL and they must deliver and assess the full contents of their RW training programme.  It is only when the training provider is delivering both the Tower Climbing 3-day Initial programme and the RW programmes consecutively (over 4 days = 3 x Tower Climbing & 1 day Rooftop) to the same group of people where they are permitted to deliver the contents holistically, but they must assess them independently.

A training provider approved for both schemes will have a training programme covering all of the contents for each scheme. They can then map between the two programmes to see where the contents are duplicated. When they are delivering both schemes consecutively (over 4 days = 3 x Tower Climbing & 1 day Rooftop) to the same group of people, they are permitted to deliver the contents holistically (they don’t have to cover the same contents when delivering both) but they must assess them independently.

This scheme does not allow for awareness only route. All units must be completed. We are exploring if there is a need and sufficient interest for us to develop an awareness only course.

To confirm, the ratio stated in the handbook is correct and remains as 4 individuals per trainer/assessor being assessed for Rooftop. The Rooftop Worker scheme is a 1 day programme consisting of 15 units.  It also has almost the same number of practical learning outcomes to be assessed as those in the Tower Climbing scheme which is 16 units and a 3 day programme.  The ratios were set as a result of the number of elements that need to be assessed and the fact it is a 1 day course so a lot to be covered and assessed in one long day.

They are separate schemes and therefore it will be the standard registration fee for each scheme, for example, Tower Climbing & Rescue £30 + VAT and Rooftop £30 +VAT.

Yes, Arqiva approved Rooftop Worker training will continue until the end of 2022 and these Arqiva training certificates will still be accepted until they reach their expiry date.

From the 1st January 2023 any new Rooftop Worker training, or refresher training, must be undertaken using the new Energy & Utility Skills Rooftop Worker – Safety & Access scheme.  Based on this, it will then be 1st January 2026 before the only certification in use across industry will be the new scheme.